Az oldal a finnek 2007-es Formula1-es bajnokával, Kimi Räikkönennel foglalkozik. Naponta frissülő hírek, csomó érdekesség, képek, videók, ikonok, hátterek....
Üdvözöllek a Kimi-bolygón! :D
News : Fresh rumour: Räikkönen's contract announced in Abu Dhabi
Fresh rumour: Räikkönen's contract announced in Abu Dhabi
Noncsi 2011.11.02. 13:24
The latest rumour tells that the contract between Kimi Räikkönen and Williams will be announced in the Abu Dhabi GP.
They expect Williams to announce a substantial sponsor-deal which would make it possible to hire Räikkönen. Williams is known to have had negotiations with at least Qatar National Bank.
They have earlier told from Williams, that they will announce next year's drivers before the last race of the season which is Brazil in the end of November.