Kimi's Column: Good job in vain
Noncsi 2011.10.12. 22:48
Well, it was a shortest rally for me this year, while we managed to do only two special stages in day one. Obviously, it left a bad taste in my mouth.
What a shame, it happened that way. For sure, those roads are really great for rallying. We managed to get the pace notes in place, as well. It was a rally to enjoy. But this a motor racing. What can you do?
The fateful place for us was on a road section from stage two to stage three. We had our turn to start before Henning Solberg. But he was there in front of us on the road. He seemed to warm up his tires and his breaks. Then, suddenly, he hit braks and stopped there. Probably he didn't at the mirrors at all.
There was nothing to do for us. Obviously, there was no place to go, so we crashed to the rear of his car.
The rear of Solberg's car didn't get any bad damage, but it was a different case of us. The front of our car was ruined and it was au revoir for this rally de France.
I have done now twenty WRC rallies. There has happened quite a lot, but the French experience was again very much different compared to others. Everything can happen, that's a reality I very well know.
Now it's time to look forward to the next challenge. It's the rally of Spain in a few weeks time. We will have a test session and obviously, we can improve the car again. Last year we didn't learn that much of Spanish roads, so it's like a brand new rally for us.