Az oldal a finnek 2007-es Formula1-es bajnokával, Kimi Räikkönennel foglalkozik. Naponta frissülő hírek, csomó érdekesség, képek, videók, ikonok, hátterek....
Üdvözöllek a Kimi-bolygón! :D
News : Räikkönen zooms through NATO training area -- strictly low-profile
Räikkönen zooms through NATO training area -- strictly low-profile
Noncsi 2011.08.09. 19:40
The 2007 F1 world champ Kimi Räikkönen had a busy weekend. The Finn travelled to a German military area to test his WRC car.
The event in question was part of Räikkönen's preparations to the next week's ADAC rally Germany. Räikkönen zoomed in his Citroën at the Baumholder military area, which normally hosts training exercises for the German army and NATO.
Räikkönen's tests was kept low profile. The information of the motor racing star's arrival didn't spread widely, and only a handful of spectators were present. Media were also largely absent.