Kimi's blog: The roughest rally
Noncsi 2011.07.05. 14:04
Well, we had a few weeks break from rally. The coming back with a test session in France, everything felt just fine. It was like not being away, at all. We had such a good test. The feeling I got in the car was the best I have had so far.
The preparations for my first Acropolis Rally have been very good, while we managed made some improvements to the car during the test. The French roads had similarities to the route we have now ahead of us in Athens.
I have never been racing in Greece. This is a brand new place for me and I keep hearing people saying that this will be the roughest rally in the calendar. Obviously, the most challanging task is to keep the car in one piece from the start to the finish.
It is not the first rally we have in such a hot conditions and hard, stony roads. It was pretty rough for the car in Jordan too. But we managed to make it to finish without anything breaking.
The first day of this rally is even more tougher with only remote service. We can only hope avoiding bigger problems. But it is the same for everybody, a matter of luck if you have problems or not.
We have had three rallies so far during this season. The outcome has been pretty much ok. We have finished all of them and got some points. My personal target is to learn every time I am in the car. I feel it has been good so far. I know now much more compared the time one year ago.
It is a nice feeling while you notice the pace notes going better and better rally after rally.
Obviously, it would be useless to change my goals for this rally. We just go for it. We do our very best to avoid major problems and try to finish the rally with good speed.